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Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Awesome reading about some of the intricacies re the new tire model there, very interesting stuff!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
You think Spa will be around that soon?? I was resigned to the fact that I wouldn't see it till 2011.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :I don't think he'll make that mistake ever again.

How can it be a mistake? He's not affected by the forum remember? After all, a mistake would imply that there was a perceived negative effect he wishes to avoid. He's stated that he's not affected by forum negativity and therefore calling it a mistake is assuming his position.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :In fact, I'm working very hard to produce a tyre model that will stand up to the detailed scrutiny of the small well-informed subset of our community, both in terms of driving feel and physical analysis.

Fixed for you.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
I agree 100%. Who cares who blows engines. But, I think having the switch is the best idea since that's the most true to life and presents the best options to boot.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed

Nice video :P
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed

What car(s) were you driving back then?

Even when it came out you'd have to exert yourself to enjoy the behavior you describe, but I don't race ovals and am not a big downforce / single seater fan period.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
It's a blast to race because it is pretty easy to control; especially if you had an extensive stay with LFS first.

It will bite you if you get too overly aggressive but she's pretty tame overall.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Indeed you really do!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
You know...

Half the problem (for those that perceive one here) is that they never make any promises, and people interpret their plans AS promises. The BIGGEST reason people do that is because they claim that they don't make any announcements until they have something to announce. Therefore; when hell freezes over and they DO open their mouths about their super secret "we don't tell you because we don't want to and don't feel like it so take that you interlopers" plans and ideas, everyone makes the mistake of thinking it's concrete.

It's ass backwards from they way they say it is. Scawen says he doesn't care about forum negativity and it doesn't affect him; and in the same breath says he keeps his mouth shut because of the forum - huge double standard and clearly two lies in one. I think he's a great guy with a programmers mind and not the personality to simply deal properly with the public. But, as he says, it's HIS project so suck it up and piss off or find some other game that's better. Never mind treating the small vocal userbase with an attitude that will bring in other paying loudmouths, no time for that. At least until things run a bit dry, then I'm sure he'll look for ways to bring in a decent amount of PR.

Modern software development is growing in a far more user oriented (justified or not) direction very rapidly now that communication is simple. I gather he wants to live in the previous decade where having any sort of accountability simply doesn't suit the taste of the developer. Boo hoo, what a pity.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
This discussion makes me glad to be a road racer exclusively!

Though I did sort of mess around in the legends for a couple practices; I can see how oval would be fun.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Nothing wrong with Shift after a lot of beer! In fact it's probably a far better idea at that point...
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
It's another feature... Dynamic setup engine keeps you on your toes!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from NickC :I don't think i completly understand your post! Explain please.

I was referring to the fact that the LFS tire model currently has so much innate understeer that unless you have a bizarre setup designed to make the car twitchier than an ADHD crackhead with Tourettes, you end up dialing in way more steering than you should need to.

Quote from PMD9409 :
2. Ridiculous setup options, both sims (iR is improving but it actually has updates )

Though iR needs the updates it's getting in this area, I wouldn't call the setup options ridiculous in comparison to what you need to use in LFS to be remotely competitive.

Quote :3. Indestructible cars, both sims. iR (before the last update)

All that's relevant is the current state of both sims, here today

Quote :Both need some work, but I still believe LFS' overall tire model is more advanced than iR's. We can't really prove each other wrong because no one truely knows how the tires work. We just have to go on feel and then it is all a matter of opinion. In other words, it thoroughly sucks.

I'll could all but guarantee that LFS' model is more advanced even at this point, but that doesn't make it more accurate. It's a better approach otherwise DK wouldn't be doing the same thing. However by definition, they have current data up to and a hair beyond "the limit" for all the tires they're simulating... the only reason DK is going physical is because it's a far better solution when you pass that limit if you know what to expect, and also he's changed the way they interact with off camber contact which should be a large difference alone. But basically, even now you set up iR cars much closer to the way you would a real car than you can dream of in current LFS. That pretty much proves the point right there since that would not be true if the forces generated by the tires in LFS were closer to real data, since everything rides on the tire forces (no pun intended).

Quote from Glenn67 :pretty much spot on post

Lovely writing mate.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from NickC :I tryed it once. ... but the feel of LFS is better. For me nothing beats LFS in realistic feel....It's a judgement just based on feel....
Since i drive IRL alot, i think i can make a good comparision.

So when you turn your steering wheel in your real car... I suppose nothing really happens there too?

Quote from PMD9409 :Put LFS' physics on iR's content, and I can promise it'll be better than what it is currently.

Good Lord what a horrible thought... Every car with a locked miracle differential, terminal understeer that has to be dialed out with ridiculous setup options, and indestructable cars. Righto, that sounds much better. Most of this thread is fair, but asserting that iR's tire model even for a spreadsheet sim isn't generally more accurate than LFS is goofy.

Hopefully it's almost a moot point anyway though, I'm looking foward to comparing two shiny new physical models from the two best in the industry.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Too many Ricky Bobbys on the track?
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :it is more and more obvious that people will only pay as much for music as they think it is worth

It's more and more obvious that people will only pay what they think music is worth when they can't steal it anonymously with 30 seconds of effort.

Nobody needs to evaluate whether or not to buy a CD anymore therefore saying that somehow this "new business model" is condusive to people deciding what it's worth is nonsensical by it's very nature. So is calling it a "business model".

How do you think ANY industry would do when people are basically handed the ability to either procure any goods for free, or purchase them?
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :(not that theres anything even remotely intellectual about the music that sells millions of copies these days)

Amen to that. But the thread isn't about the masses of dullards that decide who gets rich

Quote :Now please answer my point. Why is it OK for musicians to profit from using a musical system they did not create nor own.

What the hell are you smoking? Seriously, I didn't think it was possible to create such a ludicrous statement. Yes. People invented paintbrushes, and canvas. Pretty much every commodity has components of which it consists, props to you for figuring that out. Great work! Green and red exist, and many many paintings use them therefore paintings are irrelevant now, and we can steal them however we want. Oh wait, whoever invented the wheel should be collecting royalties in his grave since many devices use them right? :doh:

Just because music isn't tangible like a piece of fruit, doesn't mean it doesn't have value. Why not go and plagiarize books - just because that guy put words together in a language, doesn't mean he has any rights to it... after all, words have been around for ages remember? Go ahead, steal it! In fact, rewrite it and resell it! See how far that gets you.

Quote :So why is it OK for a musician to rock up with a guitar with a bunch of chords and keys and musical systems he/she had absolutely NO influence over their creation. YET, they can make millions using those systems? That's the inherent, and rather telling inconsistency/hypocrisy in your argument. You like intellectual property ONLY when it suits you!


Again, this is so bizarre I don't even know where to start. This is either a pretty stubborn troll attempt or you're delusional. Music is a form of emotional expression, not a "device". With your twisted logic, whoever made the first angry face in a live theatre performance should also be collecting a royalty in the grave every time someone makes a mad face on screen... If you don't get that it's no wonder your music "experience" is past tense. Sure a minor triad evokes a type of emotional response in most people, so you can make it "technical" to a point just like the color red psychologically can make people agitated. Doesn't mean it's some patentable device.

Kev is not being a hypocrite in any sense of the word, I'd wager that you're just a lowly thief trying to justify your gigs of stolen goods, and you can't.
Last edited by Ball Bearing Turbo, .
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Right because many parents today can't be bothered to instill any sense of self control, respect, or in general just plain decency into their kids... Many try to be their "BFF" instead of being a parent, well that is when they have time to do that... afterall isn't it that daycare's job to raise their kids?

/end slightly OT but kind of related rant
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :You're a ****ing idiot. Recording is expensive, you've clearly never done it. Consumers pay for recordings, that's how it works, that's how all media works. This is fair for both musicians and their audiences. If you don't think a musician's output is worth paying for, you don't have to buy it. But you believe you should receive it for free anyway? Why would you believe that?

He believes that because he's either taking the piss to rile you up, or is truly braindead enough to think what he's saying makes any sense.

One thing this generation seems to think is that stealing is just fine as long as it's easy - it's the whole entitlement mindset at work in modern snot gobblers.

I suppose he will photocopy paintings too, as much as he wants... afterall, by observing the masterpiece someone with actual talent slaved over for hours, he's effectively "downloaded it into his brain" and can flawlessly reproduce it anyway, therefore it's no longer the intellectual property of the artist. Especially if it's only a lithograph (mp3) of the original, it's not like he's stealing the actual work (the textured oil painted original "CD")

Kartor is also extremely misguided if he thinks musicians make "insane amounts of money". Sure, a tiny fraction of the musicians out there striving to make an actual living out of it make a fortune. The vast VAST majority certainly do not; you need to be at the absolute top tiny percentage to get rich from it. Someone with "experience" would probably know that much.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Quote from boosterfire :Whining's going to happen no matter what.


Quote :
To me, there's also a matter of respect in there.

I agree with you there. Your post hit the nail (if there's one to be hit) right on the head. Allegedly, the code of silence is probably due to a lot of forum negativity, and yet the man himself has stated that he really isn't influenced by the forum - and yet that's clearly not the case. Unless it is, in fact, total indifference which would be a rather pompous mindset I suppose.

But, it's all a moot point anyway isn't it!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Yeah I'm a bit giddy about the Spa addition.... I can't wait to run that track in a real sim for a change, it'll be great
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Damn, I think it's time I started my own gaming site!
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
Heh ....


Wow, I'd forgotten the step from S1 to S2 and how much anticipation was around it, and what is was like the day it was released. I couldn't wait to get home from work that day and it didn't disappoint!

What a huge step that was. I guess that's all there is to say right now.
Ball Bearing Turbo
S3 licensed
That could be the AF settings in your drivers - might want to bump that up to 8 or 16x.